We started creating and selling printables in 2019 on Etsy, based in Canada. Printables are digital products you receive digitally, then print at home, at a local print shop or from an online print shop to fill out by hand. We currently have over 100 printables available to chose from.
We have also started creating editables, which are digital files you can edit directly on the computer without printing (although you do have the option to print once you have finished editing if you wanted to keep a physical copy).
Now, we are continuing to expand our website (thank you for visiting our website!) and looking into including more items/features soon. You can shop our printables and editables from our website directly, or from our Etsy shops: (printables) (editables). You can explore all our digital products here. So far we have printables, editables, and phone wallpapers, but we plan on adding more digital products soon. We will also include more physical products that feature designs we create. Check out our blog posts with tips from our own experience that might help you on your business journey. We are constantly learning, improving and growing, just like you. ♥
Our designer, Iman, has over 7 years of graphic design experience as well as several years of business experience. This experience is used to create printable and editable digital files for business (and other categories) that are easy to use, and help you save time by staying organized and using our ready made templates.
All our printables and editables are designed for you to print at home or at a local or online print shop. Since these products are not physically shipped to you, there is significantly less environmental waste.
All our physical products are made on demand. We create the designs and our suppliers help fulfill and ship the products to you.